
Tuesday, 5 March 2019

19 for 2019

19 for 2019 is a tradition I started last year after listening to Gretchen Ruben and Elizabeth Craft's "The Happier" podcast. I don't listen to the podcast anymore, however, this one gem stuck and really positively influenced my life in 2018, so we're doing it again!

19 for 2019 for me, is about listening to my inner soul and listening out my true ambitions the year into actionable and achievable goals. In this format, they're listed as the 19 things I really want to accomplish in 2019. You will also note that they are not all mammoth tasks. They are all, however, tangible, actionable goals.

If you decide to set yours my hot tip is to try to avoid vague statements, i.e. "Must exercise more" - my sleepy lazy morning brain will 100% find a way out of that one, instead, try something like "Try one yoga class at the Iyengar Institute in San Francisco this year". Then when you complete it - tick! You did it! Celebrate! For me, the more I was able to make these small changes last year, to actively and mindfully live into my life, the better it felt and the more momentum I built towards a more general goal of "must exercise more".

So, drum roll, here are my 19 for 2019.

  1. Read Quiet by Susan Cain
  2. Read How Not to Die by Dr. Greger - Tick! "Read" it as an audio book and I'll probably listen to it again before the year is out. 
  3. Finish my Yoga Well Yoga Teacher Training 
  4. Go fruit picking
  5. Go on a silent retreat
  6. Learn to play Claire de Lune and one Christmas carol on the piano 
  7. Visit the DeYoung Museum
  8. Find (or buy a new) instant camera and film 
  9. Print 2018 photo album 
  10. Find two weeks worth (14) of easy, 30min vegan (or vegetarian) meals to start using (I'll update these as I find them)
    1. Vegan Street Corn Nachos
    2. White Lasagne Soup
  11. Take a photography class
  12. Take a class at the Insight Meditation Center
  13. Take an Iyengar class and the Iyengar Institute in San Francisco
  14. Enter one poetry competition 
  15. Get my project management certification 
  16. Go to one play and one musical 
    1. She Persisted, Bay Area Children's Theatre 
  17. Try acupuncture four more times 
  18. Read Virginia Woolf's A Writer's Diary 
  19. Bake a sponge cake and make donuts
I also built out an "intentions" list this year, which was really a way to capture all the other ideas and themes in my head. Not to make myself accountable to a second list, but to have them captured somewhere. What I love about this, is that I can come back to it again and again throughout the year to really get clear about who I want to be. 

Once drafted, I scribble this 19 for 19 into my diary for 2019 so that every time I open it I'm reminded. 

My bestie and I brainstormed ours over dinner recently and it was really inspiring to say them out loud and to have someone witness the intention I have for my life in 2019, you know?

With love,

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